I’m sure you’ve heard about the importance of including gratitude in your daily life. Years ago, Sarah Ban Breathnach made this idea really popular in her book Simple Abundance that suggested making a list of 5 things you’re grateful for every day. Then Oprah promoted it for years. More recently, Gretchin Rubin’s book The Happiness Project has been on the bestseller list, encouraging everyone to create their own Happiness Project. And Rhonda Byrnes, author of The Secret, published a new book this year called The Magic. Turns out, the “magic” is gratitude.
Maybe you’ve tried some variation of making daily lists of things you’re grateful for, but you haven’t been able to stick with it. So in this week’s video, I’m going to share some FUN ways with a twist for you to try to see what works for you. Because it doesn’t really matter HOW you train yourself to look for gratitude, it only matters that you DO. And why does it matter? Because when you are focusing on gratitude, looking for positive things to notice, you are keeping your vibrational level high. And that vibrational level will determine your future experiences. So don’t think staying positive and focusing on gratitude is just for feel-good polly-annas who want to avoid conflict; you should be doing it for your OWN selfish reasons because it will make YOUR life better.
Want some FUN ways to practice gratitude everyday? Watch the video.
(If you prefer to read, click here to read the transcript.)
Remember, energy flows where your attention goes.
The more you look for things to be grateful for, the more things you will find and the better you will feel. Your vibrational level will stay high, and the higher your vibrational level is, the better your whole life will be. You will be living from power and attracting more things into your experience that you will be grateful for.
This is mindfulness.
Want to practice? Get the Mindfulness Meditation Program. It includes a daily gratitude practice.