Are You Walking With Blindfolds On?
When the world is too much with me, I head out to the magic forest to listen to the silence that is not silent at all. I wear my vibrams so that I can feel the earth beneath my feet. The ground is
When the world is too much with me, I head out to the magic forest to listen to the silence that is not silent at all. I wear my vibrams so that I can feel the earth beneath my feet. The ground is
For years, I’ve been driving past the sign that says “Book Your Meeting Here.” It’s at the end of my street, so I pass it at least twice, sometimes as many as 8 times a day. It’s an ad for a hidden gem, a
Just as we were about to step outside, we heard the loud crack of thunder and looked at the strappy heels we were both wearing. “Oh no,” we said, simultaneously, as the downpour began. My friend Maria and I were in New York on
Are you frazzled and stressed on a daily basis from trying to get too much done. Does it seem like life is a struggle, with one thing after another to deal with?
If so, you probably don’t think that life could be easy, like floating
This week I’m sharing a strategy for staying centered and calm during stressful situations, especially when you have no control over the outcome.
We lost electricity in the huge lightning storm that pummeled the whole east coast last week and went on a mission to
We like to celebrate great things that happen in our lives, and we get upset when bad things happen. Even if you try to be spiritual and mindful, learning to be non-judgmental
Are you afraid to dream big? Do you keep your desires “realistic” so you won’t be disappointed? It’s important to let yourself dream big and believe in possibilities. In this week’s video, I’m sharing a really crazy, ridiculous dream I had years ago to
Today’s topic is something that really trips up a lot of people…kids, teenagers and adults. It’s being intimidated by a big goal, thinking it’s too big or too far away to ever achieve it. It’s the idea of not being able to DELAY gratification.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the importance of including gratitude in your daily life. Years ago, Sarah Ban Breathnach made this idea really popular in her book Simple Abundance that suggested making a list of 5 things you’re grateful for every day. Then
I’m sure you’ve heard about the importance of including gratitude in your daily life. Years ago, Sarah Ban Breathnach made this idea really popular in her book Simple Abundance that suggested making a list of 5 things you’re grateful for every day. Then
There is ONE WORD that can make a huge difference in your mindset! If you use this ONE WORD, you will be vibrating at lower levels and if you AVOID this word, you will shift your entire mindset and raise your vibrational level. So
Today, I’m talking about ONE WORD that can make a huge difference in your mindset. If you use this ONE WORD, you will be vibrating at lower levels and if you AVOID this word, you will shift your entire mindset and raise your vibrational
Why am I talking so much about energy? Because your overall vibrational level significantly impacts your life experiences, which I think you’ll understand better after you watch the video this week. Today I’m adding Michael Beckwith‘s Four Levels of Awareness/Awakening to the
(Prefer to watch the video? Click here.)
WHY are we talking so much about energy? Because your overall vibrational level significantly impacts your life experiences, which I think you’ll understand better after this video.
We pretty much ignored the column on Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness
Last week, I shared David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness and an activity for you to rate your own vibrational levels in four key areas of your life. Hopefully, you spent the week noticing your thoughts, especially in the areas where you were
For several weeks now, I’ve mentioned energy and talked about why it’s important to keep your energy levels high. On today’s video, I explain Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness, which shows ascending levels of consciousness, like a ladder of spiritual enlightenment that can be
You wouldn’t throw a house party and let anyone and everyone in. But that’s exactly what you’re doing if you’re not CHOOSING your thoughts and keeping the negative ones out. No matter what your goal, it’s important to choose thoughts that move you TOWARD
Are you procrastinating finishing a project that’s important to you and you can’t figure out why? Maybe your procrastination is really a form of perfectionism. Watch this video for tips on how to turn the tables on perfectionism so that it works FOR you!
Do you get stuck when you have important life decisions to make about career choices or relationships? Do you spend so much time weighing your options that you can’t make a decision? Watch this video and learn how to get unstuck using a strategy
In today’s economy, it’s easy to fall into the trap of scarcity thinking. In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles talked about the importance of gratitude and of shifting from a competitive mindset to a creative mindset, and both have never been