The sun is bright today, glaring into my room between the white slats of venetian blinds. I’m staring at a vast expanse of blue sky above treetops, watching the occasional bird glide by, wings wide and still.  I’m leaning back, hands clasped behind my head, breathing deeply, taking it in silently.  I’m focused on presence and alignment, trying to get to the core, drilling past my ego to feel my soul.  Waiting for stillness.

A  job was just posted for a position in staff relations dealing with contract negotiations, which could be spiritually-fulfilling work and sounds interesting.  I’m qualified and could apply. The question is Should I?

This is the quandary I frequently find myself in… deciding what action to take, making choices.  That’s the key to life’s journey, isn’t it?  I’m caught between staying focused or  doing what’s in front of me.  What if what’s in front of me takes me off course and distracts me from my goal?  What if my goal is too narrow and specific and I miss a great opportunity for expansion?  What if this is just my ego messing with me to keep me from evolving?

Then I opened my email and read today’s Note from the Universe:

It’s as if before you there are countless doorways, all leading to new and different hallways. So you wonder and think, calculate and stress, over whether or not you’ll knock on the “right” one.

But what you can’t yet see, Cara, is that all of the hallways beyond all of the doorways eventually lead to the same great room, in the same great house, with the same great party.

So, may as well pick the one you want? Huh?

The Universe

So now, I’m seeking stillness and presence, feeling my way into alignment with source and my soul.  That’s why I’m staring at the blue sky, watching birds, remembering how free I am, asking myself

Since I can be, do, or have anything I want, what is it I really want?

I’m waiting to hear the answer in the stillness.


How do you make tough decisions in your life?