Last week, I shared David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness and an activity for you to rate your own vibrational levels in four key areas of your life. Hopefully, you spent the week noticing your thoughts, especially in the areas where you were below 200.
Today I want to show you how you can USE this awareness AND I’m going to demonstrate a strategy to help you shift to a higher vibrational level.
I’ve added the corresponding vibrational levels from David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness to the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale. As you can see, they break out the lower levels into more categories, which you may find helpful as you INTENTIONALLY try to move up the scale.
So here’s the strategy. If you’re feeling NEGATIVE about a topic, you can’t just JUMP up the emotional scale to feel POSITIVE about it. It’s too much of a leap. And the more SPECIFICALLY NEGATIVE you are, the harder it is to shift. What you need to do is GO GENERAL.
Watch the video to see how I shift on the topic of money from fear and anxiety to optimism in less than 5 minutes.
(If you’re reading on email or RSS, click here to watch the video.)
Get the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale with Hawkins’ LOG Levels.
Get the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale with the full Map of Consciousness.
Using this technique REGULARLY, you can raise your overall level of vibration. If you practice this for every area of your life that is currently below 200, you will soon hardly ever be in those lower frequency levels for very long. Certainly not long enough for it to significantly impact your life. You will stay in the “flow”, things will come easily to you. CONTENTMENT is a good place to be! And from there, you can more easily move into HOPEFULNESS, OPTIMISM, HAPPINESS, PASSION and JOY.
For this week, practice as often as you can, recognizing your negative thoughts on your trigger topics and shifting from SPECIFICALLY NEGATIVE to GENERALLY NEGATIVE to GENERALLY POSITIVE.
If you like this video, please LIKE it and share it. Come on over to the website to get the activity from last week if you missed it.