I have an unbelievably awesome, nearly perfect life. It’s practically magical, manifested from my soul’s energy and love. It would be easy to stay in this place, satisfied with what is, comfortable and safe. Settled.
But my soul wants to soar.
I’m standing on a ledge, holding onto the trapeze, afraid to let go. My soul is waiting on the other side, ready to leap towards me, arms outstretched, beckoning. She is pure Love: all powerful, fun-loving, joyful light. She wants to show off, do her tricks, make things happen. But she needs me in the air. She can’t do it alone.
I stand on the ledge, Fear looking over my shoulder at the long drop below, whispering sweet nothings about safety, security, pensions and paychecks. Fear isn’t that talented, plus she’s kind of lazy. She doesn’t like to think out of the box or take risks. She wants things to stay as they are. “You’ve got a good thing going here. Why blow it?”
Pointing to my soul, Fear says, “What if she doesn’t catch you? You’ll be face first, splattered below. It’s not worth it. Stay here with me. I’ll look after you.”
I’ve been standing on that ledge for some time now, hoping one of them would give up. Maybe Fear would get bored and crawl back into the shadows. Maybe my soul will settle for life the way it is.
But my soul will not settle; she is here to expand, to coax me to leap and grow with her, to fill me with light. I will have to choose.
And I choose to leap with my soul.
What choice are you making today?