In case you missed it, I gave away books and prints for my birthday celebration. I decided it would be a fun way to meet new people and promote the website. Giving away books or prints that I love is more in alignment with my soul and personality than buying google ads. The marketing idea was to spend some money in order to increase readership, but what happened was so much more.
First, I met really interesting people who were super excited about winning. Almost every one of them said they had never won anything before in their lives!! One person who won a coupon for a free print/photo product actually confessed that she had been stalking my photo page, which caused me to well up with joy and appreciation.
Then a truly amazing thing happened that Friday. I got a phone call from my son’s oral surgeon. My son had his wisdom teeth removed in December and I had paid for my portion of the procedure – $275. Suddenly, out of the blue, and on this particular day, the billing person was calling to tell me that, unexpectedly, my insurance company had paid the full amount for the procedure rather than 50%, which is standard. So she was calling to refund me $275 on my credit card, three months later and on the exact day after a week of giving gifts.
Some people might think that was a coincidence, but I don’t. I believe in synchronicity, not coincidences. And I believe it’s important to recognize them when they appear in your life and to realize that the universe responds to your own energy, attitudes and beliefs. I believe know that I am an abundant, generous person and that what I give will come back to me tenfold.
The first step to attract wealth into your life is to feel wealthy and abundant. Become a wealthy person in your mind. Start looking for evidence that you are abundant by appreciating little things throughout the day… a meeting that went smoothly, a smile from a co-worker or stranger, a spring flower blooming, a song on the radio that lifts your mood.