If you’re working in a job that you don’t love, it can be hard to stay positive and uplifted throughout the day. It can be even harder if you’re looking for a job. Yet that’s exactly what you need to do if you’re going to attract the highest good and best situation for you.

I’ve been in a job where I dreaded waking up and going to work. I’ve been in that place where you feel like you’re on a fast train going in the wrong direction.

Today I’m sharing one of the techniques that I used to help me get out of that situation and that I still use every day. It’s the Magical MAP – Morning Appreciation Page. You can use it to transform any area of your life: job, relationship, finances, anything.

Create sacred space for your ritual

Every morning, I write at least one page in a somewhat structured, ritualistic manner. At 5:30am, I take my morning coffee and fountain pen and head to the exercise room in my basement. I sit on my pilates machine in a windowless room. The lights are dimmed, the walls are decorated with unframed prints of mine and vision boards. It’s dark and silent. I’m still half asleep. I’m in this world but not of it.

Creating a sacred space like this will help you ritualize the process and empower you to commit to a daily practice. Surround yourself with images that you love and choose a dimly lit, cozy space. You want to linger between worlds; no longer asleep yet not fully aware, you can still hear your soul speaking.

How to use the Magical MAP

Every day begins the same:

Thank you Thank you Thank you
How may I serve? How can I add value?
I am willing to be guided by my soul toward my highest expansion.

Then I fill the rest of the page with statements of appreciation for things great and small, past and future.

  I appreciate beautiful, sunny, warm weather; I appreciate safe driving in the rain. I appreciate not hitting the deer that jolted out in front of me yesterday. I appreciate spending time with my husband, even if it was watching baseball. I appreciate laughing with friends. I appreciate a successful retreat next week. I appreciate walking the dog. I appreciate rock climbing with my sons. I appreciate the staff at the doctor’s office. I appreciate the Verizon customer service rep who answered my question. I appreciate this great cup of coffee and the person who invented the Keurig machine. I appreciate losing myself in creative work. I appreciate feeling confidence and clarity, aligned and on-purpose. I appreciate wealth, abundance, joy, energy, enthusiasm, inspiration, creativity, passion.

I include my intentions for the day, but I write them as if they have already happened.

I appreciate inspiration for a blog post. I appreciate a pleasant and productive meeting this afternoon.

I have been doing Magical MAP writing for many years and know that it works. When I was working in a job that I didn’t love, I wrote Magical MAP pages every morning. I always found something to appreciate about the job I was in, but I also wrote appreciation statements for what I wanted to be doing.  Years later, after I left that job for one that I loved, I went back and reread my MAP journals, and amazingly, my new job was exactly what I had been appreciating!  That’s how I know this works.

Why the Magical MAP works

Writing intentions as appreciations puts me in the energy of BEING who I want to BE. All creation begins with BEING.  You become what you ARE, not what you WANT.  

Stating them as if they have already manifested taps into the power of expectation, belief and knowing.  Writing them first thing in the morning, before you are fully thrust into the world of ego, insures that your thoughts and desires are inspired by your soul, which is essentially drawing the MAP, filling in the details, sketching the path toward your highest good.

Bonus Magical MAP Journal

To inspire you to try this transformational tool yourself, I’ve created a beautiful Magical MAP Journal. Subscribers are getting five pages, each designed with an inspiring fine-art nature print from my collection. Print out multiple sets, hole punch them, and include them in your favorite refillable journal.  (I use Circa notebooks from Levenger.)

Haven’t subscribed yet? Still want a taste?  Here’s one page to download now.

My Magical Map Red Rose
