Today, I’m talking about ONE WORD that can make a huge difference in your mindset. If you use this ONE WORD, you will be vibrating at lower levels and if you AVOID this word, you will shift your entire mindset and raise your vibrational level. So what is this ONE WORD??
SHOULD. If you use the word SHOULD as a red flag, notice when you say it, stop and rethink what you’re saying, you can easily shift your vibration. Let me show you what I mean.
We say things like “I should have taken that job” or “I shouldn’t have been so stupid” or “I should have paid more attention” or “I should have worked harder.” All of these SHOULD statements are expressing REGRET OR GRIEF, which has a vibrational level of 75!!! Or even SHAME OR HUMILIATION, which has a level of only 20!! That’s pretty low!! When you spend a lot of time kicking yourself for choices you made in the past, you are bringing the past into the present.
OR maybe your SHOULD statements are directed toward other people or society, like “I SHOULDN’T have lost my retirement funds.” “The company SHOULDN’T have laid me off.” Or “He SHOULDN’T have divorced me.” These statements express ANGER, HATE, SCORN, PRIDE. They vibrate around 175, which is still below the level of 200 where things shift from “force” to “power” on the Hawkins scale.
When you focus on the past, you are bringing the past into the present. Yes, that bad thing happened in the past. Yes, you think it’s unfair. But your point of POWER is NOW. Whatever you are thinking about NOW is causing your vibrational level NOW, and your vibrational level is attracting more things LIKE IT. So if you choose to WALLOW in thoughts of REGRET or SHAME or ANGER about what happened in the past, and therefore vibrate at a low level, guess what you are attracting to you RIGHT NOW in your moment of power?? MORE REGRET, SHAME, & ANGER!! So you will CONTINUE to experience things that you WILL REGRET or that make you mad!!
The only way to TRANSFORM your experience is to shift your thoughts to a NEW PATTERN. You have to break the cycle. One way to do that is to use the word SHOULD as a red flag. When you hear yourself SAY it or THINK it, stop your thought pattern right there and PAUSE. … Then ACKNOWLEDGE what you are feeling…. You don’t want to RESIST it, because what you resist persists. You don’t want to “bury” the emotions you are feeling. You want to acknowledge them. Say “YES, I’m feeling regret, or angry about that. But it is in the past and I can’t change it. My point of power is now.” Then find a way to shift to a higher level thought.
Maybe you can make the leap to finding something good that’s come out of the situation. If you can that’s great. Most people can’t do that until they’ve practiced this a lot. So here are 2 things to reach for. The first is to FOCUS ON THE MOMENT. Zoom into that precise, particular moment, exactly where you are right now, the air you’re breathing. Usually, in THAT MOMENT, everything is fine. You can reach a place of COURAGE OR NEUTRALITY. You are alive, you have shelter, food. You have no idea what will happen in the future or how things will turn out, but for NOW, in this moment, you are OK.
That’s the first step toward stepping into your power. Then, if you can, reach for WILLINGNESS… willingness to believe there is something positive for you that will come out of this experience. Even if you can’t see it now. Most people can’t see it when they are in the middle of dealing with bad situations. I can remember going through my divorce years ago, and there was a time when I was feeling like I had made the worst mistake of my life… I had a 2 year old, was a stay at home mom going to college, no great job prospects, no money and had to go on welfare. You can bet there were times when I regretted making that decision, but I knew I had to be strong for my son and that got me to focus on being present and positive for him. That’s how I learned to do this. And that’s how I know that it works. And it didn’t take too long for me to be THANKFUL for that decision and feel it was one of the best things I ever did, because I met the most wonderful man and have been passionately and happily married for 17 years now. And that could never have happened if I had stayed in an unhappy marriage. And my son would never have had a vision of how wonderful marriage can be.
So, we ALL will make decisions we regret at some point in our lives, or have something happen to us that we don’t like. It’s part of the human experience. We are here to expand, and we only expand by experiencing contrast. We learn what we like by experiencing what we don’t like. But as soon you figure out that you don’t like something, then LET IT GO. Don’t hold onto it and keep telling yourselves stories about it. Don’t wallow in the energy of it. Because if you do, then you will get MORE experiences that will match that energy. More experiences that you won’t like!! And one way to catch yourself if you start down that story lane is to listen for the word SHOULD. Use it as a red flag to stop yourself in your tracks. Then honor what you’re feeling and then let it go. Focus on the present moment to feel better. And, if you can, be WILLING to see the good that will come out of your experience.
Leave a comment below and let me know if you try this or if you’ve already banished the word SHOULD from your vocabulary!!