My intent for this site is to create a digital sanctuary, a place that is evolving as I am evolving, and to share all that I learn with you in the hope that it will help you evolve. I am working with Gwen Bell to align this website and my assignment this week is to answer this question: What is your through-line?
To me, the through-line is about more than just a website. It’s really about a theme and governing philosophy of my life. I realize that my through-line is EXPANSION. I believe that’s everyone’s purpose here on earth – to expand their soul. When I look at my life, I can see the expansion of my soul as the thread that weaves its way through all my experiences.
I’ll turn 50 next March. I can remember that turning 30 finally made me feel like a grown-up. Even though I had already been married and divorced by then and was the single mother of a 7 year old, I still didn’t really feel ‘grown-up’ until that birthday. I remember finding the sweet spot of turning 40: finally being able to afford the finer things in life and feeling that I had reached a certain level of success and fine living. Now I’m redefining for myself what success and fine living mean to me as I approach 50. I have experienced such a spiritual expansion during these last several years, learning so much from great teachers and life experiences. I am on the verge of another level of awareness, manifesting great things and experiencing regular, ongoing bliss and peace in my life.
I’ve been poor enough to be on welfare and wealthy enough to not think about money. I’ve cleaned other people’s houses and now don’t clean my own. I graduated in the top 5% of my high school class and then flunked out of college in the first semester. Eventually I became a teacher because I realized that my life’s mission was to help other people expand, evolve and become the best they can be. I also believed that a job with benefits and a pension was the best way to live happily ever after. I just left an administrative position with its substantial pension benefits because I wasn’t living happily ever after. I now believe I can help people evolve and live their best lives in a different way.
I no longer believe in waiting to live my life. I’m not going to stay in a job I don’t enjoy just to get a pension in 10 years. I am learning about the power of my soul to manifest things in my life. I’ve actually manifested some wonderful, fascinating things, but without consistency. When they happened, though, it showed me that there was a power greater than my ego and determination. It encouraged me to learn more. I feel completely confident with the path I’m on because I’m allowing it to unfold as I surrender to my soul’s guidance.
I’ve taken huge risks in my life before and experienced hardships from which I’ve always learned great lessons of courage and an understanding of the power that’s inside each of us to expand and evolve.
What’s the through-line of your work? Your life?